Achievement badge

Achivment badge „Pilot" and „Advanced Pilot"

The Achivment badge  „Pilot" and „Advanced Pilot" create an incentive to actively develop in flight.

A member obtains the "Pilot" and "Advanced Pilot" badges by successfully passing the association's corresponding flight program in the presence of witnesses. Flight programs are only used to certify a defined performance standard. They can serve as a basis for flight teacher training activities but do not intentionally contain didactic provisions. Certainly the preparation for a successful flight is fun and does not in any way limit the normal flight exercise. For more details click on the following links!

: Pilot / Advanced Pilot
Powered flight: Pilot / Advanced Pilot
helicopter: Pilot / Advanced Pilot
Bondage: Pilot / Advanced Pilot
Free flight: Pilot und Advanced Pilot
Application form für all of the above awards

Achievement badge „Competition Pilot", „Master Pilot" and „Instructor Pilot"
