Membership in the Swiss Model Aviation Association

The approximately 8000 members organized in the Swiss Model Aviation Association SMV pursue their sport in 179 model aviation clubs. In 7 regional model aviation associations, the individual clubs are directly affiliated to the Aero Club of Switzerland AeCS as the umbrella organization of national light aviation via the Swiss Model Aviation Association.
SMV has no direct members. All model pilots organized in the club belong to the club through membership in a regional model flying club.
Model airplane pilots are all-rounders who not only know something about flying, but also about aircraft construction. Those who have designed, planned and built their model aircraft themselves in weeks of detailed work know their equipment inside and out. Model pilots acquire a wide range of knowledge in various fields of physics. Mechanics, electronics, materials science, aerodynamics, natural history, knowledge of animals and birds or meteorology are among the special fields of the model pilot. No wonder that some model airplane pilots develop quite amazing technical, natural history and flying skills with their models. In addition, the increasingly sophisticated technology of model building opens up more and more possibilities. Ever larger, more powerful, pioneering and more realistic models are being created. Model flying is a demanding sport and a valuable hobby for everyone. Especially for young people, model flying is of inestimable educational value, demanding, gripping, exciting, socially connecting and instructive at the same time.
In the various FAI classes, from the sophisticated free flight model to the jet model, each division is pursued by dedicated model pilots with great dedication and meticulousness.
Interested? The secretariat of the Swiss Model Aviation Association at the headquarters of the Aero Club of Switzerland in Lucerne will be happy to provide you with further information or documentation material, such as address lists of model aviation clubs in your region or dates of airshows or other aviation or model aviation events.