Board of the Swiss Model Aviation Association (SMV)


The board of the SMV consists of active and experienced model aircraft pilots. Board members are elected by the annual Assembly of Delegates, the final authoritative body and thus the actual General Assembly of the Swiss Model Aviation Association. They receive a small compensation for their work, determined by the Assembly of Delegates, and can settle their expenses in accordance with the SMV Financial Regulations. The work of the Board members is guided by and subject to Board’s rules of procedure. The Board is discharged exclusively by the Assembly of Delegates.

The impact-oriented, central organization and the interaction of the seven management departments with the decentralized regional associations and the technical commissions are reflected in dhe board's organisation.

Ordinary board meetings are held six times a year. The technical Expert commissions F1 to F9 have additional meetings under the leadership of their presidents. These carry out their work together with their team members, responding to the needs of the regional associations or clubs.

The central secretary of the Swiss Model Aviation Association at the headquarters of the Aero Club of Switzerland in Lucerne fulfils central administrative functions and manages the extensive membership system.

Your power is also needed!

Anyone who is a member with the SMV activities will note that in recent years, in addition to many ongoing standard business, various larger projects have been completed. It is often forgotten that also on the SMV level all tasks and work are carried out by honorary members. All of them have set high goals and high standards for their implementation in the interest of model aviation. Because only this seriously advances model aviation as a recreational pastime and exciting sport at all levels!

In order to achieve our goals and to optimally handle our services, which are demanded by the Regional Model Flying Associations, the Model Flying Clubs and the members, we are looking for support from these ranks. We cordially invite interested parties to actively support the SMV. Contact us, and take an active part in many projects, which should anchor the model aviation nationally even stronger. There are enough possibilities!

Please contact directly the appropriate contact person, department head or commission president, they will tell you more, as well as the presidents of the regional associations.

Your commitment can relate to individual subtasks or larger projects. Every contribution counts! Be it as a clerk or project manager, engineer, PR copywriter, graphic designer, layouter, lecture traveler, junior promoter, security specialist, carpenter, database programmer, stand builder, lighting specialist, programmer, marketing professional, event organizer, translator, statistician, and, and, and ... You have concrete ideas what you could do for model aviation? Go ahead! Get in touch with our contact person!

Your benefit? You get to know a lot of dedicated model pilots and gain interesting insights into the business of an association and can expand your personal network privately or professionally. With your support we can move even more than we already do. Also for you and your club. Let's go!


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