Nature & environment related to model flight


Model pilots are aware of the responsibility that an intact environment and nature is a basic prerequisite for being able to practice the sport of model aviation as trouble- and stress-free as possible in a sustainably healthy atmosphere in harmony with nature 


The responsibility for environmentally and nature-conscious model flying lies primarily with the pilots and the clubs and organizers of events and the operators and owners of model flying sites.

The association maintains cooperative-participative contact with nature and environmental protection associations and seeks common interfaces to achieve their respective goals.

Code of Honor of the Responsible and Committed Model Aviator and Model Aerodrome Operator


Model airfield operators and clubs in the Swiss Model Aviation Association behave in a fundamentally correct and

  • take consideration for people and nature during operation, this in particular of motorized model aircraft through the engine noise and flight tactics
  • Fly neither animals nor people consciously an

  • observe nature and respect the needs of other  creatures
  • are especially considerate in spring and early summer, during the growing season when wild animals are raising their offspring, as well as at the time of migratory birds or in unison with large birds of prey and birds of prey circling in thermals

  • are sensitized to noise reduction measures and use the reasonable technical possibilities to reduce consumption and resources and pollutant accumulations according to the current state of the art

  • preferentially use the known terrains for model flight, especially for the operation of models with combustion or electric motors
  • select the flying sites carefully and take into account the needs of wildlife

  • nehmen Rücksicht auf die Pflanzenwelt und sensible Standorte und Rückzugsgebiete von Wildtieren

  • benützen bei Aussenlandungen von Modellen nach Möglichkeit vorhandene Wege und Zugänge entlang von Feld- und Grundstücksgrenzen
  • stellen sich der ihnen übertragenen Verantwortung und handeln vorbildlich
  • fördern durch ihr Verhalten die Positionierung des Modellflugsportes als umwelt- und naturverträgliche Sport- und Erholungsart im Einklang und Harmonie mit der Umwelt

  • beachten den Umweltschutz und respektiert Naturschutzzonen

Zum Thema Umwelt und Modellflug publiziert das Bundesamt für Umwelt BAFU auf der Plattform Natur Sport Info einen umfassenden und ausgewogenen Beitrag.